Opening you to the 'value experience’ in travel – Holidays In Ceylon!

Destination Specialist - Authentic & Reliable Service Provider

About Us | Holidays In Ceylon

Opening you to the ‘value experience’ in travel – Holidays Ceylon!

Holidays In Ceylon was founded by three friends, who had the same passion to share authentic information, provide experiences & show case the beauty, heritage, culture and the hospitable life styles of the people of Ceylon, now known as Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka is known to the world as a fascinating travel destination, a land like no other.

We invite you to follow our lead and our footsteps, and leave no more than just footprints along with the capture of appropriate photographs and sterling moments during your so’journ in Lanka. This is a rare spot on the planet where the grace and dignity of the past still lingers amidst the modernity and bustle of a new, exciting and burgeoning land. “Seeing is believing” and being there is where experience begins! Which are the experiences that would delight you?

Our Team -
The people at Holidays In Ceylon knows the country, because of being of it. The authenticity that they bring within the scope of the travelers’ experience is as real as the sights, sounds, scents, tastes, sensations, flora and fauna and the comely people in a breathtakingly versatile land.

Why Us - We are destination specialists in Sri Lanka with a firm reputation as an authentic & reliable Service Provider. Our meticulously thought out services include transportation, accommodation, planning, drawing-up of itineraries and providing excellent well-informed guides who relate the stories the way they are, with insight and understanding. Our clients will not just be informed; rather, they will be allowed to bask in the glow of knowledge. Our guides are as intrepid as you would want them to be, or as laid back and relaxed as you select to be.