Why Sri Lanka ?

Is Best for Travel and Holidays

Why Sri Lanka is best for Travel and Holidays

“Ceylon”, now Sri Lanka, has drawn people to its shores through many centuries. Visitors have continuously arrived here from times in the dim distant past.

“Serendipity” is an engaging word that bespeaks a pleasant and unexpected delight or delights experienced by any person. The word’s coinage can be directly linked with the ancient name for Ceylon, namely “Serendip” or “Serendib”, as the glorious merchant voyagers of the past from the Arabian Peninsula chose to refer to this Island in the Indian Ocean. When the literary savant Horace Walpole in the 18th century, decided by his own comprehension of such an experience in the encounter with varied and unexpected delights associated with “Serendib”, he felt impelled to express that thrilling verity by encapsulating all in that one descriptive noun.

The people at Holidays In Ceylon know the country, because of being of it. The authenticity that they bring within the scope of the traveler's experience is as real as the sights, sounds, scents, tastes, sensations, flora and fauna and the delightful people in a breathtakingly versatile land.

The experience for the traveler is one or several and dependent on the fancy of the traveler, the time at their disposal, the joys that connect their inner being with the locale they choose to pass by. The Pearl Ceylon experience is never prescribed but it is nurtured. It does not belong in a tourist package that is offered. The experience is crafted around you, the traveler. But first, the traveler needs to be understood. This is where Pearl Ceylon places its greatest emphasis.

Since dawn of peace in 2009 Sri Lanka, has been identified by the International Media as one of the best places in world tourism. It is a tropical island situated in the Indian Ocean and some called it ‘THE PEARL OF THE INDIAN OCEAN’

People are friendly, hospitable and cultured. Literacy rate is very high and most of the people speak English.

Scenic beauty in the upcountry (Mountains and Hills) reminds the visitor the ‘Garden of Eden’ and the climate is such that some call it ‘Little England’.

Sri Lanka has a history of more than 2600 years. Anuradhapura in the North Western part is one of the oldest and largest archeological sites in the world where ancient buildings still exists.

Wild life parks are equally distributed through the country. The visitor has rare opportunity of seeing the ‘Giant of the Land’Elephant and the ‘Giant of the Ocean’Whale. Some call Sri Lanka a ‘Birds Paradise’

In this little island, there are eight World Heritage Sites One of which is ‘Sigiriya’ known as the ‘Eight Wonder of the World’

The Sacred Relic of the Lord Buddha is housed at the Temple of the Tooth. This is one of the world’s most venerated places of the Buddhist world.

Sri Lanka produces the most precious stones (after diamonds) called the Sri Lankan Blue Sapphires and the best drink after water – Ceylon Tea.

Sri Lanka is surrounded by blue waters and golden beaches and is therefore called the ‘Pearl of the Indian Ocean’.